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About kymo

The Team. The Company.

Our Philosophy

What drives us: The absolute will to create something good. Something beautiful. Something new. Something different. Something we can be proud of. We just want to do things differently - be better, unusual, interesting -  in the small things and in the big things.

So every detail counts. And doing things by hand is the key. Because you have to feel something in order to make it great. We make great carpets. And we love it!

And because so much of our heart and soul goes into our products, we have created a new name for them. The only word that can truly describe our carpets: FLOORWEAR®


  • kymo is founded as a limited company (GmbH). Our first model, SG Polly, reflects the zeitgeist to a tee with bright colours and modern appeal, paving the way for a diversity of new carpet designs.

  • Leading international firms such as Mercedes-Benz, Escada and Nespresso launch their brand boutiques with floorwear made by kymo, much of it specifically tailored to their projects.

  • kymo enters the hallowed Hall 11 at imm cologne, the leading international furniture fair, which kymo has attended annually ever since. This success was marked by the Red Dot Design Award for SPORTS 1, a carpet and yoga mat in one, specially designed by Kensaku Oshiro and Sonja Schaub.

     Red Dot Design Award logo
  • Our first outdoor carpet is launched under the name MNML 101 … and instantly scoops the iF Design Award and Good Design Award.

     iF Product Design Award logo  Good Design Award logo
  • The MASHUP: good-old German craftsmanship dovetailing tradition and modernity, a perfect blend that was subsequently honoured with the 2011 iF Design Award.

     iF Product Design Award
  • The company sets up a worldwide network of dealers, supplied through distribution centres in Europe, the United States and Asia.

  • For the first time, kymo is invited to exhibit at Salone del Mobile in Milan, straight away joining many a famous brand on display in Hall 7.

  • The project side of our business is boosted by our very own customer service concept in the form of THE ATELIER. Winners of the German Design Award for  2TONE FXkymo is granted membership of the German Design Council.

     kymo The Atelier logo
  • Our first project involving the entire fitting of a designer hotel: Temptation Hotel, Cancun. German Design Award for FUSION.

  • German Design Award for CROSSFADER.

     German Design Award logo
  • German Design Award for New Wave
    German Brand Award for outstanding brand management


    german_design_award_special_2021    German_Brand_Award_Winner_2021-1


  • Red Dot Design Award for CROSSOVER.




Kymo Headquarters, Karlsruhe, Germany

Dune Max Viscose

steel grey

The Team

We do this together. As a team with everyone contributing and doing what they do best. And together we always do things our way. We don’t look what others are doing. Instead, we question conventional wisdom so we can apply our revolutionary new ideas. In keeping with our slogan, GO ON. AND CREATE.

Denis Türker

Denis Türker

Managing Director

Friedrich Bender

Friedrich Bender

Managing Director

Eva Langhans

Eva Langhans

Creative Director

Daniel Bodenmüller

Daniel Bodenmüller

Key Account Manager

Kristin Holderbach

Kristin Holderbach

Marketing & Communications

Ulrich Jäger

Ulrich Jäger


Iris Kreye

Iris Kreye

Marketing & Communications

Sonja McSharry

Sonja McSharry

Key Account Manager

Paul Ritzert

Paul Ritzert

Marketing & Communications

Martin Rode

Martin Rode

IT Consulting & Development

Julia Türker

Julia Türker


Nick Thomas

Nick Thomas

Accounting (Trainee)

Sales Agents Worldwide

Florian Kriener

Florian Kriener

Agent East & North Germany

Christelle Makuntuala

Christelle Makuntuala

Agent West Germany & Luxembourg

Tina van Dort

Tina van Dort

Agent Austria & South Germany

Werner Disselkamp

Werner Disselkamp

Agent North America

Alejandrina Montes R.

Alejandrina Montes R.

Agent Middle America

Robert Franěk

Robert Franěk

Agent Czech Republic & Slovakia

Pavla Preissová

Pavla Preissová

Agent Czech Republic & Slovakia

Claudia Fagiolino

Claudia Fagiolino

Agent Italy

Bruno Pedroni

Bruno Pedroni

Agent Italy

Christian Schmitz

Christian Schmitz

Agent Japan

Mohammed Abdin

Mohammed Abdin

Agent Jordan

Marlies Brink

Marlies Brink

Agent Netherlands

Marianne Reppen

Marianne Reppen

Agent Norway

Przemek Gomółka

Przemek Gomółka

Agent Poland & Ukraine

Benjamin Helbig

Benjamin Helbig

Agent Spain & Eastern Europe

Pierre-Christophe Prot

Pierre-Christophe Prot

Agent France

Merima Vasse

Merima Vasse

Agent France

George Schmidt

George Schmidt

Agent Russia


German Design Award 2018

Even a nomination for the GERMAN DESIGN AWARD means getting through a strict preselection round and gaining approval from the jury. So in itself, even being nominated for the award says a great deal about product design.

In 2018, kymo was nominated for the GERMAN DESIGN AWARD for the third time in succession. Our first creation, CROSSFADER, was devised by our designer Katharina Tannous and was an immediate hit with the jury. Having gained an award for 2TONE FX and FUSION the two previous years, we are of course delighted at pulling off the hattrick!

Member of German Design Council

The German Design Council sees design as the most important defining feature of a product, the very essence of branding. A not-for-profit foundation, its aim is to support firms in the creative industry and thus foster young talent in all fields with a bearing on design. Originally set up by a parliamentary body of the German Bundestag in 1953, ever since it has functioned as a communication platform for anyone involved in the design process. kymo was proud to become a foundation member in 2016. As one of the world’s leading hubs of design expertise, the council organises exhibitions, conventions and seminars with the aim of promoting knowledge-sharing between its members and fostering developments in professional design.

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