Metals have fascinated people for thousands of years – a versatile material, whether weapon, cooking pot or jewelry. Metals also have their place in art as larger-than-life bronze statues or intricate copper engravings. Fine arts and crafts are also the theme and inspiration for MELTING LINES.
With a pinch of minimalism, of course. The shiny metallic surface of this Floorwear® is interrupted by frequent fine lines that create an almost technical-looking pattern. And yet they appear as if they have been artistically engraved. If you look at the surface from the other side, the lines merge – almost magically – with the background and are barely perceptible.
Our designer, Eva Langhans, was inspired by goldsmiths’ fine craftsmanship for this design. Whether engraving, chasing or guilloche, a shiny surface’s beauty can be magnified only by skillful decoration. For this reason, techniques such as these are found in all cultures of the world, and some have been around for thousands of years.
Our designer has succeeded in skillfully transferring this effect from metal to textile, despite the entirely contrasting materials. Here too, craftsmanship – weaving, in this case – is central to the creation of unique pieces. At the same time, the design with its straight lines – partly overlapping, but always right-angled – combines the demands of modern living with minimalist design.
This rug combines particularly well with our MELTING POINT model as both have the same metal-inspired colour palette. Our selected standard colours – Au79 (gold), Ag47 (silver), Cu29 (copper), Li3 (lithium), Pb82 (lead) and K19 (potassium) – make for brilliant interior design. Special colours are available on request, as are special shapes.
The pile material, Bananasilk, is obtained from renewable raw materials and, with its unique surface structure, provides an exquisite sheen with a delicate feel. The precious material is elaborately hand-woven and equipped with our kymo felt backing. This means that, although MELTING LINES does not have the recovery capacity of some animal fibres, for example, it is equally as sound-absorbent, antistatic and suitable for rooms with underfloor heating.
Handle your new floor treasure with care as furniture or intensive walking can leave marks on the rug. We also recommend turning the carpet regularly if it is exposed to direct light. If you have any questions, the kymo team is always happy to help!
3Designedly (1&6)
Eva Langhans (2&3)
Thomas A. Berger (4&5)
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